Più facile investire in India

Due recenti sentenze della High Court di New Deli sono il sintomo di una maggior “apertura” dell’economia indiana verso gli investimenti stranieri. Lo segnala Alberto Forchielli, di Mandarin Capital Partners, su Linkedin, commentando le sentenze riguardanti Shell e Vodafone. Scrive Forchielli:

“The indomitable admirers’ of India’s growth can now rejoice. An increasingly scarce group, the believers in the subcontinent’s radiant future has been emboldened by two recent judgments. The Bombay High Court ruled in Shell’s favor in a multimillion-dollar tax evasion case. Denying the local revenue agency’s claims, it ruled that no offense was committed during the execution of a price transfer by the Dutch company. Therefore, it did not owe taxes on the profits. One month ago, an analogous ruling absolved Vodafone. Two verdicts don’t constitute proof, but they signal a trend”.

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