Science and Technology policy in India

A recent report by OECD,”OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2014″, analyzes the S&T policies . India sees innovation as a critical socio-economic development and has defined its national strategy, Decade of Innovations 2010-2020 to strengthen S&T capacities. The objective is to increase the GERD to 2% of GDP with a doubling of the business contribution by 2020.
The main issues in the strategy are:
– Improving the STI: the National Innovation Council has bee created in 2010 and in 2013 it has introduced the New Science Technology and Innovation Policy, focused on inclusive growth.
_ Innovation to address social challenges (inclusiveness). The 12th 5 Year Plan (2012-17) promotes actions for inclusive development, to benefiting poor and excluded groups, such as India’s Inclusive Innovation Fund, that’s expected to mobilise £,2 Bn $
– Innovation for sustainable-green growth: India is dependent on imports of coal and has a great demand of energy derived from the economic growth. The National Mission for Enhanced Energy efficiency mandates specific decreases in energy consumption in large energy-consuming industries, with measures  (energy-saving certificates) to push enterprises to adopt energy-efficient appliances.